Thursday, September 23, 2010

School Holidays Again

Already, it is school holidays again. So far, it has been pretty busy.

On Saturday we had a "family" birthday party. Family in the sense of friends who are as close as family.

Sunday we went to the Memorial Tower in Kangaroo Ground as Charli asked really nicely if we could please go to the castle looking place and the girls stayed up late.

Monday we didn't really do anything as the girls were tired and I had washing to do.

Tuesday we went to a school holiday fashion workshop at Northland which Paige loved and Charli loved dressing up. The girls did a little catwalk which they enjoyed. Then we went to the movies to see Cats & Dogs in 3D. We also took Paige's bestie with us.

Wednesday night Paige had a sleepover at her friends and then stayed there today while I was at work, Charli, Daddy and I went out for dinner last night and then she went to childcare today. Tonight they are both EXTREMELY tired and are currently asleep, not a peep was heard after the lights went out.

Tomorrow they are going out with Grandma and Grandpa and are looking forward to it.

I just now realise this post is starting to sound a little like The Very Hungry Caterpillar minus the pickle. Hopefully tomorrow the girls turn into beautiful butterflys rather than grumpy caterpillars.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Holding Boys Hands

This year at school, we had a ball. Apparently they used to do this way back, the same as the concert which we had last year and the current principal decided to reintroduce the tradition. So, one year there is a concert and the next year we have a ball.

The kids all did dance lessons leading up to the ball and they had to perform 3 dances with their class mates for the parents to watch. In between in what would have been intermission, they got all the kids and parents to get up and dance. The littlies performed easy versions of the cha cha and mambo amongst others, they had sooo much fun.

Paige's best friend M didn't want to dance with her class, she gets EXTREMELY shy in large groups, so they danced together during the breaks. This was good for 2 reasons; 1 I didn't have to get up and dance and b M got to have fun dancing without lots of people looking at her. Paige of course relished the attention.

The thing that made it even better for her was the fact that she got a new dress for the dance and new shoes. The dress it turns out, was easy. I went to Myer to have a look at what they had and fell in love with a dress that was on the rack, last one there, in PJ's size and a gorgeous colour so I bought it straight away. The thing I love about Myer is that they have gorgeous girly clothing in sizes over 6. In most other stores like Target, Kmart, etc the older girls clothing can be a little, how shall I put this, too mature for her age. I guess that is the problem with having one quite tall, almost 7 year old.

The shoes were another story altogether. I think we went to 5 stores before we found a single pair that she liked. Every store had black sequinned flats but she didn't like any of them. She wanted pink shoes until I explained that they REALLY wouldn't go with her burgundy dress. Eventually she settled on black, but then didn't like any of the shoes we could find, to the point that she wouldn't even try them on. Eventually we found a gorgeous pair of black sequinned ballet flats with a little ankle strap with a buckle, she loved them straight away and we bought them straight away. The funniest thing about the whole shoe episode is that I was frustrated and about to get really cross with her when I realised that she is just like me. I love shoes, but I am really fussy, I wont buy them or try them on if I don't love them straight away. She is exactly the same. Finally, something she is like me :)

So, she had a wonderful time at the ball, she loved getting to hold the boy's hands during the dancing and we got to see how grown up and gorgeous she is, all dressed up. Now we shall do it all again in 2 years and this time Charli will be in Prep. Should be VERY interesting.

Pictures to come.