Wednesday, March 30, 2011

School & Kinder

To be honest with you, I can't quite believe that it is almost the end of the first term of school already. Paige is doing well at school and loving her new teacher which is great. Charli is LOVING kinder and doing quite well. She is really into the routine of how it works and often corrects me when I get the order wrong of the way they do things like packing up from snack time, etc. Funny girl. If things continue at this rate, it will soon be the end of the year and Charli will be ready for school.

On a positive, I did fill out all of the required documents for Charli's school application and didn't forget any of the photocopies that needed to go with it, yay for me. I am pretty proud of myself on that one.

Things are pretty hectic with working and school and travel (to and from school and kinder) and everything else that goes along with it. Particularly the new out of school activity taken up by Paige. She is doing Martial Arts 2 times a week and absolutely loving it. I was not sure at first as she is quite uncoordinated and not very sporty, but she gets out there and runs and does push ups and start jumps and situps. They practice their stances, and punches, kicks, rolls and then play poison ball. Running for 45 minutes and she will come off the mat sweating and puffing and ask to do another class....straight away.

I have to say, although we are busy, we are happy and it is good.