Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's Strange and Disconcerting

It is strange and disconcerting to think that my little Paige who, it seems was a baby just yesterday, is already at school. I know I had a whole year of Kinder to get used to it, but Kinder seemed more like she was going off to play with her friends for 1.5 days a week, not so much like school. School is a whole different kettle of fish. She gets up everyday (except Wednesday), we put on her school uniform, do her hair up and she eats her breakfast while I make her lunch. A few things have surprised me, first, I was positive that she would be a school dress girl. They have the option of wearing either a school dress or shorts and t-shirt, admittedly, the school dress is cream, green and gold tartan and the t-shirt is purple with a green collar, but the thing that really surprised me was that she wants to wear the shorts. They are green with a skirt flap across the front and called a skort and Paige loves them. She wants to wear them all the time, so I guess I will take back one of the 2 dresses I bought and swap it for something else. The other thing is that all the other little girls were wearing their dresses on the first day and then on day 2, tada, skorts and t-shirts everywhere....funny how things work out. The second thing that surprised me was that she wants Weetbix for breakfast every morning, apparently it is healthy and gives her lots of energy so that is what she wants. Even this morning, Saturday, she wanted Weetbix, that is until the mention of pancakes.

So I guess, my days are quieter as Charli is not very loud when she is by herself, she is also really good at entertaining herself. Paige has turned into someone who likes to debate everything she is asked to do which is extremely frustrating. I am sure we will all get used to the new routine and things will settle down, but at the moment, everytime I see her in her cute little purple and green uniform, I get a little misty. Imagine how bad it will be once Charli is at school. Then I will definitely go back to work :)

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