I have updated this post to add photos of the crab that I made for the school concert. It is a bit small for PJ, but you get the idea. There was also a shell on the back which you can kind of see in the last photo. Also added photos of PJ's actual costume for the concert.
I just realised that I had not updated the second week of holidays and here it is the second week back at school of Term 4. Freaky. Anyway, we did lots of catching up on the second week as PJ spent the first week sick. I am pretty sure, if I cast my mind back, that we saw someone pretty much every day of that week. We went to the park, we baked and we went swimming. The funny thing about the swimming excursion was that it was the first time we had been to the Ivanhoe pool even though it is just down the road and we have lived here for 2.5 years now. Oh well, eventually we get around to these things. All in all, the second week was full of fun and Paige was all tired out for her first week back at school.
Since then we had first week back, which is a drama in and of itself, not only is Paige tired and not wanting to get up for school, I am of the same opinion, but I must admit that it is nice to get back to a routine.
Now we are in the second week and we have just had the school concert last night. Some of it was a bit of a yawn and some of it was torture, think strangling cats, but most of it was good and the highlight was the Preppy's and their gorgeous songs. The theme for the whole night was "A Night at the Movies" so all of songs they did were out of popular movies such as High School Musical, American Tale, Dreamgirls, Footloose, Grease and Mary Poppins. Paige's class did "Under the Sea" from The Little Mermaid. They have been practicing the words and the dance steps for months. It was 2 of the prep classes together and then split into 2 groups by alphabet, A-K on the first night and L-Z on the second. I think there was about 20 of them on the stage together for the song. Paige was in the front row on the side of the stage that we were sitting. She was dressed as a pink and purple sparkly fish and remembered all of the words and steps. She even remembered to retrieve her clam shell set at the end and remind the little boy who forget his, much to the amusement of the audience. It is funny how many people in the school know who Paige is....I chose to see this as a good thing. She was so excited about the concert and she did really well, very proud, we are.
For the concert I made a costume for 2 of the boys to wear, one on the first night and another on the second. This was made by copying an existing full length body suit and then adjusting it to make it in to a Sebastian crab. I was actually very proud of my effort and I thought that the little boy who wore it on the second night (as I wasn't there the first night) looked great. I am pretty sure that he was also impressed with the costume. Rather than posting pictures of this boy without permission, I got Paige to put it on for me to take a photo. The shell is missing, but you get the general idea. Also, it is a little bit too small for her as it was made for boys who were quite a bit shorter than she is, again, you get the general idea.
Now that is all over, I am going to attempt to sew up some summery dresses for the girls from some lovely quilting fabric I got from Spotlight. It has been sitting on my buffet calling out to me to make something, but I refrained as I had to finish the crab. Now I can finally give in and have traced a pattern and started cutting out a dress for Paige, she is pretty excited.
Well, must be off to hit the bed as I have Paige's birthday party in the morning, not sure that I am actually going to be able to get out of bed for it although I am pretty sure she wont let me sleep in.

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